Be A Light Carrier

12 … I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. ~ John 8:12b

We have the light of life because we have Jesus. And if we have the light of life, then we must share that light. Let your light so shine … Jesus prompted us.

Remember, the night will come when we hide the light of Jesus that is within us under a basket or under a bushel instead of sharing it with the world. When the night comes, then no man will be able to work the good works of Him who has called us to be the light to the world.

Are you a light carrier? Or are you a bystander? Have you received the light of Jesus that brings life? If you would like to receive Jesus as LORD and Savior and thus receive life, it’s free. It will cost you nothing. Jesus paid the full price for you and for me so that we might not have an excuse. It is not His will that anyone should perish; therefore, He gave His own life that you might live.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Be A Light Carrier.

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