Turn The Other Cheek

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” ~ Proverbs 15:1

Pride is a stronghold that can only be broken by humility. Humility can only come through the Holy Spirit, and it doesn’t happen overnight. Pride causes you to feel small, weak, stupid, taken advantage of, etc. But is all of that true? Pride causes unnecessary arguments and strife, which in turn causes stress. Stress can take years off of your life, for what reason? Feeling the need to defend yourself? What good is defending yourself if it makes you sick?

Pride isn’t a problem, just because Jesus wanted us to be weak. He knew the heavy burden that comes with pride. Turning the other cheek isn’t easy, but it will help you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Don’t allow pride to control your life. Take the first step towards a pride free life.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Turn The Other Cheek.

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The Pride of Rehoboam

“When the rule of Rehoboam was established and he was strong, he abandoned the law of the Lord, and all Israel with him.” ~ 2 Chronicles 12:1

Throughout the Bible, it is evident that when people were weak and down-trodden, they called and depended upon God and obeyed His commands. But as soon as He blessed them with strength and prosperity for keeping His commands, they abandoned Him, His commands, and His people. That is just like us today; nothing has changed.

The sad part is, we know that our strength and prosperity come from Him, but we choose to abandon Him because, after a while, we somehow become delusional, thinking we, the man/woman, had accomplished all these things on our own. We become spiritually asleep.

We close our eyes to the things of the LORD and awaken our flesh and pride. Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before the fall. Our pride will lead us straight to destruction because it wasn’t us who got us all that we have. It wasn’t our strength. It wasn’t our wisdom; it was the blessings of God. And when we try to remove God from the equation and do it on our own, we destroy all that God built. Affecting those around us, those that work with/for us, our families. When the stronghold of pride takes over, there’s only one thing that can save you from destruction, submitting entirely to Jesus.

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Hold Your Tongue

26 If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.” ~ James 1:26

Our tongues often can get us into much trouble. Whether it’s because of anger, sadness, hatred, hurt feelings, pride, our tongue can easily and quickly start a fire; all it takes is a few words. Why does what we say matter? Proverbs says, “life and death are in the power of the tongue.” Words matter.

The entire universe and everything in it were created with words. Next time you get angry and your tongue wants to cut loose, keep your mouth closed. Don’t speak until you’re calm because you can’t always take back your words.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Hold Your Tongue.

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The Love of Money

But if we have food and clothing, with these, we will be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” ~ 1 Timothy 6:8-10

One of the worst strongholds a person can have is the stronghold of greed. The love of money will destroy not only the person it is affecting but also those around them. Paul isn’t telling Timothy it’s bad to have money but to only strive for money. He’s saying even if we aren’t rich, but we’re going to sleep with full bellies and comfortable PJs, then we should be content. We don’t need more, but it’s okay to have more. Placing money on a high mantle will ruin friendships, relationships, marriages, even jobs. Because money easily becomes a god, replacing the one true God.

So, don’t feel bad if you have money, but don’t let it control you. If we allow God to use us and place Him above everything else, making Him our one and only God, He will bless us. He will bring us to the next level. He will take us out of poverty, but first, we must lay everything down and place Him above all.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Love Not Money.

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The Little Green Monster

“For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.” ~ James 3:16

The driving factor for all quarreling, envy, and strife is the fact that we think more of ourselves than we ought. According to Paul, we should try to seek the good of others rather than always trying to be first (see 1 Cor 10:24). Think about what angers us when we get on the road. Someone cuts us off or hesitates a little too long at the light, and our anger flares. We get all bent out of shape because we had to wait a few extra seconds; if you notice, that doesn’t really set us back that far.

I remember several years ago, we had just moved to a new city, and I was still figuring out where everything was and how to get there. One morning I was taking my mother-in-law to the clinic for medical treatment – for a sickness to which she eventually succumbed to a few days later. We came to a light, and I was unsure where to go; because of unfamiliarity with the area, coupled with the fact that I was concerned for my mother-in-law, I hesitated a little too long.

A very impatient driver sat on their horn as they sped past. Needless to say, rushed, we took the wrong turn. I believe if the driver of the other car knew the circumstance, they would have acted differently. We should try to treat others with more respect than we think they deserve and stop all the unnecessary anger. Be willing to accept the wrong, even if it is not ours to bear (1 Cor 6:7). Then we will begin to light our dark corner of the world.

Heavenly Father, please help us to make a difference in our communities that are filled with so much hate and anger. Let us not be caught up in that spirit of anger but to operate in the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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The Battle For Forgiveness

God sent me ahead of you to establish you as a remnant within the land and to keep you alive by a great deliverance.  Therefore it was not you who sent me here, but God. He has made me a father to Pharaoh, Lord of his entire household, and ruler over all the land of Egypt. “Return quickly to my father and say to him, ‘This is what your son Joseph says: “God has made me Lord of all Egypt. Come down to me without delay. You can settle in the land of Goshen and be near me — you, your children, and grandchildren, your sheep, cattle, and all you have.

There I will sustain you, for there will be five more years of famine. Otherwise, you, your household, and everything you have will become destitute.”’ Look! Your eyes and my brother Benjamin’s eyes can see that it is I, Joseph, who am speaking to you. Tell my father about all my glory in Egypt and about all you have seen. And bring my father here quickly.” Then Joseph threw his arms around Benjamin and wept, and Benjamin wept on his shoulder. Joseph kissed each of his brothers as he wept, and afterward his brothers talked with him. ~ Genesis 45:7-15 (HCSB)

Joseph did not hold his brothers’ sins against them because he understood his being sold into slavery was used by God to save his family. If it was us, would we still feel a grudge against them because we would hang onto the pain? Or would we see the Supernatural Hand of God at work? A lot of times, after something happens, that may cause us great pain, we learn that God used that specific incident to move us Supernaturally for the better, but yet, we still hold on to the pain. We blame them. We hate them.

But surprisingly, in this case, Joseph forgave, embraced, loved, and provided for the same brothers who had caused him such harm and pain. In our lives, the situation may have been used to shift the supernatural to bring us deliverance or to separate us from the same ones that caused us great offense. Even though the relationship is not meant to be restored, forgiveness is still required.

Always remember that if we don’t forgive, we won’t be forgiven. Be obedient to the sweet voice of the Holy Spirit as He shows you those people you need to forgive. Don’t let anything or anyone hold up your blessings or cause you not to walk right before God.

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Heap Burning Coals

21 If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink, 22 for you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.” ~ Proverbs 25:21-22

Many times when we are wronged, we want to get even and show the person that wronged us the same harshness they showed us. But Scripture tells us to help them when they need help because it would be like heaping burning coals on their head. The best revenge you can get is to forgive and move forward.

Forgiveness is probably one of the hardest things for us to do as humans, but it is the best thing we can do. Forgiveness isn’t for the other person; it’s for you. It’s the only way you will be able to move forward. And once you forgive, you will be able to help them in their time of need, even if they didn’t help you in yours. In doing so, God will reward you and lift you higher than before.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Heap Burning Coals.

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The Struggle For Humility

“Now Jehoshaphat had great riches and honor, and he made a marriage alliance with Ahab. Now the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah were sitting on their thrones, arrayed in their robes. And they were sitting at the threshing floor at the entrance of the gate of Samaria, and all the prophets were prophesying before them.” ~ 2 Chronicles 18:1

This is a prime example of when we think we are adequate in making decisions for ourselves because everything in our life is running smoothly and life is good. We think that we are now capable, and we no longer inquire of God upfront, asking for wisdom concerning alliances, relationships, or commitments we make with family, friends, co-workers, or business partners. Instead, we make the commitments, alliances, relationships first, then we inquire of God afterward, wanting His approval and His blessing.

We should never look at a blessed, smooth going life as one that we are in control of or one that is the result of our own wisdom. But instead with great humility at all times, and before moving forward on anything, seek Him for wisdom regardless of how trivial it may seem. Always acknowledging we are blessed because we continuously seek Him in prayer, receiving wisdom, mercy, love, and blessings.

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The Spirit of Stress

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” ~ Philippians 4:8

How do we renew our minds? By following this simple instruction. Don’t let anger get the best of you. I know that overlooking other drivers can be challenging, but the results are a health hazard. It releases chemicals in your bloodstream that has adverse effects on your body. So does stress and unforgiveness. Your Health, both spiritual and physical, is not worth those negative emotions.

I pray for each one this morning, O LORD, that we will learn to control our minds, reactions, and emotions. Help us to overlook and forgive, that we too may be forgiven. Help us to think good thoughts and meditate on what is noble, and admirable, and kind; that we might live peaceful and low-stress lives. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

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Trust In God

Why do you boast of your valleys,O faithless daughter, who trusted in her treasures, saying, ‘Who will come against me?’” ~ Jeremiah 49:4

Often times, when our Earthly possessions multiply, so does our pride. We become haughty and filled with arrogance. We no longer put our trust in God, but in our new idol, material possessions. What we own doesn’t make us stronger, more of a man or woman, smarter or wiser.

Having possessions aren’t the problem; it’s when we no longer lean on God but lean on our possessions instead. At the end of the day, they can’t save you, they can’t hear you, they can’t see you. They may be able to protect you for a short time, but the inevitable downfall is coming, and nothing you own can save from it. Pride leads you down the path of destruction.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Trust in God.

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