23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, ~ Romans 3:23
No matter how they try to blur the lines, there is a difference between light and darkness, good and evil. The days are upon us when those who are not in communion with God won’t recognize the difference because of the great delusion. They, in essence, have fallen asleep.
They are now calling good evil and evil good. They have blurred the lines to the point where those Christians who have fallen asleep struggle to tell the difference. Things that have been settled by the Church for 2,000 years are now being brought into question and accepted because it is deemed to be politically correct.
Don’t fall for the disguise that the world has put on. What the world calls progress isn’t always progress. Don’t let them lull you to sleep. Take everything they tell you with a fine-tooth comb. Compare everything they say to Scripture. Don’t fall into the trap they have set for us, for we as sheep amongst wolves, so be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves.
Peace. Love. Go Forth and Look Beyond Their Disguise.