His Peace

27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” ~ John 14:27

Jesus knew what was ahead, so He planned for it. Every stripe on His back was for you. Every thorn in His brow was for you. Every nail in His wrist. Everything Jesus did was for you. But He didn’t stop there; He left us His peace. He gave us the peace that got Him through the betrayal, through the hurt, through the cross. He gave that to us. Don’t be deceived by the thoughts that can plague your mind, but instead lean on Jesus. I know it doesn’t sound good enough. I know it is difficult. I know it sounds like foolishness, but if you believe that Jesus can cleanse you from all of your sins, He can give you peace as you live your life here on Earth.

Don’t lose hope, trust in the LORD. Hold to His promises, and believe that you will have peace. Stand up to thoughts that plague your mind. Refuse to accept them. Encourage yourself in the LORD, for He is good. Don’t give up. Don’t give up. Fight for your life. Jesus said, “I come to give life and life more abundantly.” Your life is more precious than any gold or silver. God Himself formed you. The creator of the universe loves you. You are not worthless. You are not without purpose. You are not meaningless. You are not pathetic. You are chosen. You have more value than you could ever know or understand. Your life has meaning. Don’t give up. Hold to the promises of our LORD and Savior.

LORD God, we ask that You intervene in my life. Come to my rescue and protect me. Come to my rescue and defend me. Stand in our defense LORD God and rebuke every thought that tries to destroy me. Destroy every thought tells me I’m not good enough. That tells me I should just give up, for You, oh God, has given me a new life. I am a new creation in You. I am a Child of God. Thank You, LORD God, for all that You are doing and will do in my life. I place my life in Your hands, LORD God. I ask that You lead me out of this torment and into Your Holy Peace.

In The Name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

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