The fifth trumpet blast is one the most mysterious events recorded in the book of Revelation, from the identity of Abaddon, the angel of the bottomless pit, to the identity of the star fallen from heaven. Many believe that the star fallen from Heaven is Satan, but is that true? Is there evidence for the identity of the fallen star? Join ArieRashelle as she searches through Scripture for the answers in her video, Who Is Abaddon? Pt. 5: A Star Fallen From Heaven With The Key To The Bottomless Pit.
Revelation 12:3-4
Revelation 8:12
Revelation 12:7-9
2 Peter 2:10-11
Jude 1:8-9
Daniel 8:9-12
1 John 2:18-22
1 John 4:2‐3
Matthew 24:29-31
Who Is Abaddon?
A Star Fallen From Heaven With The Key To The Bottomless Pit
12 The fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of their light might be darkened, and a third of the day might be kept from shining, and likewise a third of the night. 13 Then I looked, and I heard an eagle crying with a loud voice as it flew directly overhead, “Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, at the blasts of the other trumpets that the three angels are about to blow!”
Revelation 8:12-13
1 And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit. 2 He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. 3 Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green plant or any tree, but only those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 They were allowed to torment them for five months, but not to kill them, and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings someone. 6 And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them.
Revelation 9:1-6
Is there a possibility that Satan is the star fallen from Heaven with the key to the Bottomless Pit (Abyss)?
1 And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. 2 She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth. 3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. 4 His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it. 5 She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne, 6 and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which she is to be nourished for 1,260 days.
Revelation 12:1-6