Prepare For Thanksgiving

[19] And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. [20] They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. [21] The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children. ~ Matthew 14:19-21NIV

Both times, Jesus multiplied the bread and the fish. He never prayed for it to be multiplied. Jesus simply gives thanks for it. He then breaks it and gives it to His disciples to distribute. I want you to notice that there is no record of Jesus praying for a miracle. No record of Jesus praying for the loaves to multiply in order to feed the five or four thousand. The only thing Jesus does before breaking the food and handing it out, is give thanks for it.

Imagine, all Jesus did was give thanks and the food multiplied more than enough for five thousand men plus women and children. Let that sink in. A prayer of Thanksgiving is more powerful than we give it credit for. So many of us pray and pray for things to happen in our lives, but rarely do we see it come to pass. Could it be because we’re to give thanks and then act in faith? I’m not saying that we should stop asking for things, James says we have not because we ask not. Therefore, we must still have to ask for what we need, but this is giving thanks for what they had, and it multiplied to more than they needed.

In other words, if you have money but you can’t pay the bills because it’s not enough, you give thanks and then act in faith. If you have food to eat, but it’s not enough, you give thanks, and you act in faith. Now, I want you to understand that this isn’t a cheat code or a way to easy living. I’m not even saying this is the formula to always get what you have multiplied to what you need. Why? Because giving thanks will only work if your heart is pure and your prayers are heard.

Here’s what I mean. Jesus prayed every morning, regardless of how early it was or how late He went to bed the night before. It didn’t matter. Jesus got up early before His day’s work and prayed. I’m willing to bet He never prayed for less than an hour. He would never hold Prayer to a higher standard than He held Himself. Therefore, every morning Jesus prayed at least one hour. Then, every night, Jesus prayed. It didn’t matter how long of a day He had or how tired He was, or how late it was. Jesus secluded Himself and prayed. And when He prayed, He didn’t sleep. He didn’t get distracted. Jesus prayed.

How many of us can say that we do the same thing? How many of us can say we’ve followed in His footsteps? I know for myself, I can say with utmost confidence that I have not. I pray when I get up and I pray before I go to bed, but my prayers aren’t an hour in length. And if I’m really tired, I’ll fall asleep, wake up, and then have to apologize to God. While my spiritual growth has grown, I’m not there yet.

If we want to do miracles like Christ did and even greater ones like He promised, our spirit man has to be stronger. Our spirit man can’t be weak and our flesh control our lives. We have to be strong in the LORD. Our flesh has to be crucified each and every day. Our prayer life has to be strong. Our worship has to be strong. Our faith has to be strong, and the only way to strengthen our faith is to read the Word of God. Therefore, the time we spend in the Word has to be strong. Our walk with Christ has to be strong. Our good fruit-bearing has to be strong.

We can’t allow ourselves to think too much of ourselves than we ought, or we’ll never grow. We have to look at ourselves with honesty. These things need to change, so let me start with this one. And we tackle it one step at a time so that when we are in a situation where we need our bread and fish to multiply, our prayer of Thanksgiving will be heard by God and answered when we act in faith.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Prepare For Thanksgiving.

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