Don’t Be a Pharaoh

“Take your flocks and your herds, as you have said, and be gone, and bless me also!” ~ Exodus 12:32

Isn’t it kind of peculiar that Pharaoh asked Moses to bless him also when he went to sacrifice to the LORD? Whenever things go wrong who do people go to…? Christians. And what do they ask for…? Pray for me for this, pray for me for that, ask the LORD to bless me at this job interview. Yet they refuse to bow their knee and worship HIM. I find that kind of crazy, you expect someone else to go before God and plead for you, but you don’t believe He’s real, or you don’t believe enough to follow Him and ask Him yourself.

Don’t be like Pharaoh seeing the power and wonders of God, but still refuse to bow your knee. Still refuse to give up false gods and idols that have done nothing for you. Still refuse to give up that relationship. Still refuse to give up that TV show. Still refuse to give up that alcohol. Still refuse to give up that cigarette. Still refuse to give up that drug. Still refuse to give up that sin that keeps pulling you farther and farther away until you can no longer hear the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit. Don’t be Pharaoh refusing to go to the LORD, but desiring prayer and blessings. Instead be as those who followed Moses to the LORD that you might also worship and sacrifice to LORD God and repent, saving your life and your family’s lives.

Tomorrow is promised to no man. Tomorrow is promised to no woman. Tomorrow is promised to no child. Tomorrow is promised to nothing that has breath. At any moment any one of us could lose our lives. Imagine standing before Jesus, and He says to you, “Depart from me, for I never knew you.” Imagine the fear. Imagine the distress. Imagine the sorrow that that would cause.

You see that He is the only way. Deep down you believe He is the only way, but the stronghold of your past keep you down. The strongholds that have kept your family down for generations have continued to hold you down. The strongholds that have kept you from bowing your knee before God Almighty, just as it kept Pharaoh from bowing his knee in submission before God Almighty.

Make the decision today whom you shall serve. Joshua 24:15, 15 And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Make a stance today whom you shall serve, but as for me and my house, we shall serve the LORD.

Peace. Love. Go forth and Don’t Be a Pharaoh.

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