Prepare For Wolves

16 Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. ~ Matthew 10:16

Jesus said He was sending His disciples out amongst wolves. Today, He is still sending His disciples out amongst wolves, in His command, “Go ye into all the world…” We are commanded to go into all the world and preach the Gospel.

We aren’t called to stay comfortable in our Church circles, never meeting, communicating with, or discussing God with other people. We are to allow the Light of Christ to shine through us. We are to shine the Light that darkness cannot overcome. This doesn’t mean it’ll be easy. That’s why Jesus warned His disciples of His day and us today about the ravenous wolves.

Because there are ravenous wolves out there, and even more so as the end of time approaches. So, don’t just take their word for it. Don’t just believe it is all about you and your best interest; look at the facts and do what is right for you, no matter the consequences. Do what is right for you and what is right for your family in the sight of Jesus.

Learn who Jesus is. Learn who the Spirit is. Learn who the Father is. Learn who God is. Don’t just believe something because your family or friends do. Seek an understanding of what you believe and why you believe so that when a ravenous wolf comes near to attack, you will be able to defend yourself with the Word of God, which is sharper than any double-edged sword.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Prepare For Wolves.

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