… But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short! ~ Revelation 12:12b
Satan did not come down for a nice, restful vacation. Or for some sightseeing tour. He will use deception, cruelty, murder, and everything in his arsenal to conquer the world. To lead the whole world away from God and into eternal destruction. Hitler also said, “I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.”
Which fits right in with, “You gotta protect your grandmother…” It doesn’t make sense when you think about it or reason it out, but it does play on your emotions. And so there you have it. Get their emotions involved. Threaten their lives, even if it isn’t real. Then you will have them. This isn’t a game, and you are not allowed to sit out. Remember what the Scripture said?
7 Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation
Revelation 13:7
No one is missed, and no one is immune. Not only will the beast make war on the saints, but it will conquer us. Meaning, it will kill a lot of Christians. We must be prepared for those days. We can’t live in a fantasyland thinking that God loves us too much to let that happen to us.
- James, the brother of John, was run through with a sword
- John was boiled in hot oil
- Peter was crucified upside down
- Paul was beheaded
- Mark was beaten to death by an angry mob
- Other saints were burned at the stake
- Some where dragged to death by horses
- Still others were tortured on racks and with hot iron spikes
- Many are being jailed and starved and beaten and burned to death
Some of the most heinous torments was and is being meted out to Christians, did God love them less than us? No, but I tell you, be prepared so that when The Days of Sorrow comes, it will not surprise you, and you will have the strength to stand. It is very difficult to stand when you are unprepared and taken totally by surprise. So, I say again, be prepared!