Fight Like A Child of God

But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! ~ John 15:7

As Christians, we’ve been promised that whatever we ask in the name of Jesus, it will be given to us. Yet so many of us ask and don’t receive. Why? A lot of the time, what we ask for would only hurt us because it takes us farther from the will of God. There is nothing that we could imagine for ourselves that could even compare to the plans that the Father has for us.

So, how do we receive answers to our prayers? We have to remain in the LORD and in His word. How many of us can honestly say that we have sought the LORD like Elijah did? Or have you had the faith of Abraham? Or the righteousness of Job? When our hearts yearn for the LORD, and our desires begin to match His, then we see our prayers begin to be answered. But that doesn’t mean they’ll be answered the next day. Daniel didn’t get an answer for 21 days. Elijah had to pray 7 times for rain. Abraham had to wait 25 years for his promised child. If we want our prayers answered and promises to become our reality, we have to start fighting like the great men and women of God we read about in Scripture. This is a spiritual war. We have to do our part if we want God to do His.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Fight Like A Child of God.

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