Be With The Strongest

13 Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to invoke the name of the LORD Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, “I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims.” 14 Seven sons of a Jewish high priest named Sceva were doing this. ~ Acts 19:13-14

The seven sons of Sceva, the Jewish high priest, were not Christians; they were, in fact, followers of Judaism like their father, a high priest. Now, when someone combines ο pistis (the faith) with the Name of Jesus, demonic spirits must evacuate and release their stronghold on that person or that particular place. This, however, didn’t happen with the sons of Sceva this time around. Why?

The problem here, with the sons of Sceva, was that they did not know Jesus. They had only known of Him because they had witnessed the power of the name of Jesus through Paul. Now, the Scriptures say they were Jewish exorcists. This means that they were going throughout the land, casting out evil spirits in the name of Jesus. Here’s the problem, however, some spirits are stronger than others.

The seven sons of Sceva didn’t realize or understand that anyone could use the name of Jesus to cast out evil spirits because that name is so powerful, but not everyone has a right to do so. They were regularly casting out evil spirits, so much so that the Scripture refers to them as Jewish exorcists, but when they came against a strong evil spirit, things changed very quickly. Today is no different.

So, many people overcome little strongholds that it seems like they don’t actually have to follow Christ; they can just use His name. This, however, is an illusion sent by the enemy to confuse and trick people. Often times, when we see little breakthroughs, we’ll sacrifice the big, important breakthroughs for our flesh. Why?

Because when we see those little breakthroughs, we believe the lie of the enemy that we’re good with God and we don’t need to change. We don’t need to fully follow Him. God is love. Therefore, God just wants me to be happy. No. God doesn’t just want us to be happy. God wants us to turn away from evil and follow Him. He wants us to seek Him and His righteousness so that when we face an evil spirit that is very strong, we can overcome it in the name of Jesus.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Be With The Strongest.

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