John 15:1-2 CSB
[1] I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. [2] Every branch in me that does not produce fruit he removes, and he prunes every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce more fruit.
As I continue my journey, I found focusing on myself and less on others an instrumental part of growth. Now, on the surface, that sounds selfish, so let me further explain. When things happened, such as an argument or hurt feelings, or any negative situation, when I prayed about it or thought about it, everything was focused on what the other person did to me and their behavior. This just caused more and more resentment and anger in me. Why? Because I was focusing on that person and their actions instead of focusing on myself.
See, you can’t control how someone else will act, respond, or even treat you. You have no control over anyone but yourself. So, instead of my thoughts and prayers focused and centered around the other person, I make myself the center. If I’m hurting, I say, “LORD, I’m hurting. Please comfort me.” If I’m angry, I breathe in then out and say, “LORD, I’m angry. Please calm my spirit.” I don’t focus on how I’ve been wronged or mistreated. Instead, I focus on moving forward and the first step is fixing my mood. So that’s exactly what I do.
The more I do this, the more I feel genuine joy, peace, and comfort. Why? Because I’m no longer dwelling on how I’ve been wronged. Instead, I’m turning the other cheek, forgiving, letting go, and moving forward. Matter-of-fact, I find myself not getting angry, upset, annoyed, frustrated, or hurt by things people do that used to really bother me. The more I focus on me, the more God fixes me. The more God fixes me, the more I feel His love, and in return, the more I love. The more I love Him, the more I love life, and the more I love those around me.
This life we have is very short. It can all be over in the blink of an eye, so don’t live it focusing on the wrong that’s been done to you. Use it to focus on yourself and how you can love so that your life might consist of more love, joy, and peace.
Peace. Love. Go Forth and Shift The Focus To Yourself.