Remember Fathers Are Important

Proverbs 23:13-14,
13 Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. 14 If you strike him with the rod, you will save his soul from Sheol.
I recently saw a short (video a minute or less in length) that showed a mother taking her son to the home of a young girl he was with to confront the young girl’s father. The mother aggressively got in the father’s face telling him to not put his hands on her son again. The father tried to explain that he caught him in the bed with his daughter, but the mother kept saying it doesn’t matter. The father tried to further explain that he didn’t hit him, just roughed him up a bit and put him out.
This teenage boy is well over 6 inches taller than this father and well over the age of knowing better, but instead of taking him over there to apologize to the father for being disrespectful to him in his own house by being in bed with his daughter, she confronts the father.
There were thousands of comments. Many were in support of the father, but many were in support of the mother as well. In fact, many even went as far as to demand the young girl be put on blast too, but why? It wasn’t the father of the teenage girl that recorded the encounter to post on social media, it was the mother. Therefore, it is the mother’s son who she has placed as the focus of this video not the father’s daughter.
The only comments I saw defending the mother were women and one man (who grew up without a father in the home). It was a pattern of lack of fathers in the home that had any excuse for the this teenage boy and his mother. Fathers are crucial to society. They are needed in order for society to function orderly and properly. Why? Because mothers and fathers react differently to situations. A father disciplines, whereas a mother instructs.
When there was a group of wild young male elephants terrorizing an area, what did they do to correct the situation? They introduced strong adult male elephants. Why? Because men don’t coddle their children, especially not their sons, the way that a woman is more prone to. That is the importance of fathers in the home. Fathers perfectly balance the household so that there is both a strong and a soft arm in the household allowing our children, especially our sons, to grow up to respect others in society.
Peace. Love. Go Forth and Remember Fathers Are Important.

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