Know How He Works

23 Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’? Everything is possible for the one who believes.” ~ Mark 9:23CSB

I saw a short the other day making a joke about having anxiety, depression, and ADHD. Someone commented on the short, stating that Jesus can heal you of all ailments. This single comment upset hundreds of people. The majority of people triggered claimed to be Christians.

They claimed, “That’s not how Jesus works” or “That’s not how anxiety, depression, or ADHD works.” Their claim was then followed by a statement claiming to be a Christian with those afflictions.

What a sad state of the Church we are in. If Jesus can’t heal something as simple as depression, anxiety, or ADHD, how can He save my eternal soul from the pits of Hell? Or redeem me from my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness? If Jesus can no longer heal, then what’s the point of following Him? If you’re just as oppressed following Jesus as the world is rejecting Him, then does that not make Him a liar?

He promised life and life more abundantly. He promised us His peace. He promised whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Peter said cast your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. Scripture after Scripture promises freedom from all oppression in Jesus, yet today’s Church is triggered by even the thought of such a thing.

God’s plans for us are good. They are for our welfare, not for our harm. Today, we no longer see healing and miracles because we firmly and wholeheartedly believe that that’s not how Jesus works.

Paul said we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. If we want freedom, our mindset has to change. Our thought pattern has to change. Our mind has to change if we are ever going to see God intervene in our lives. As someone who struggled with very bad anxiety and depression from childhood, I can confidently say that is how Jesus works. He still heals. He still renews. He still tears down strongholds. He is still God.

It’s not that God changed, but that our mindsets changed. God is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. No ailment is too permanent for God to free you of, but you have to first have the faith to believe it’s at least possible.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Know How He Works.

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