22 The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. ~ Luke 9:22
For three days and three nights, all hope had seemed to vanish. The Son of God had been crucified and lay dead in a tomb; the world itself darkened without its light. But the story didn’t end there. On that third day, when everything seemed hopeless and bleak, the Son of God rose from the dead, conquering not only sin but death itself.
O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?
We rejoice this Resurrection Sunday (Easter Sunday) because our hope, the Light of the World, is no longer dead. Our God is alive and well. He is seated on His throne in glory and honor. He prepared the way for us. He overcame the entire world, even death, for us. And because He rose from the dead, so shall we. Because death had no power over Him, it shall have no power over us. Because He overcame sin, so shall we overcome sin through Him. All things are now possible for those who believe in the power of the LORD Jesus Christ, for He Was, He Is, and He Is To Come.
He is coming back, but this time it won’t be to die. It’ll be to resurrect us from our dying bodies and then to bring the righteous wrath of God upon those who refused to accept His loving sacrifice.
Oh LORD God, thank You for Your loving sacrifice. Thank You for each stripe on Your back that brought us healing, every piercing and every bruise that brought us forgiveness for our transgressions and iniquities, every chastisement that brought us peace, and especially every drop of blood spilled for it is by Your blood we have been washed clean. Thank You for Your sacrifice. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.