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19b … that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice. ~ Genesis 18:19

God chose Abram not because he was the wealthiest man, the wisest man, or even the most righteous man. God chose Abram because God foresaw that Abram would teach his children and their children to follow the Word of the LORD. That was it. God knew that Abram would lead his household in the ways of righteousness in a way that it would be passed down from generation to generation.

Understand that the job of the father in the home is to command His children and his household in the things of God. Fathers, we don’t leave that up to the mothers to do. That is not their job. It is our job to command our children and our household in the things of God.

We are to teach and instruct. We are to guide and lead. That is the basic duty of a father. Statistics show that a child is more likely to stay in the Church when they grow into an adult if their father is an active member of the Church. Don’t leave your fatherly duty up to anyone else. We are to lead our families by following God and living our lives for Him, so that we might be an active example for our households.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Take Control.

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