Self Love

19 We love because He first loved us. ~ 1 John 4:19NIV

We often quote this verse that we love because Christ first loved us in regard to other people, but rarely do we hear it taught in regard to ourselves. Today’s youth are killing themselves at record numbers. Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States. Why? The lack of self-love.

We teach that we need to love others. We teach that we need to forgive others, but what about ourselves? If we are no longer our own because we were bought at a price, then wouldn’t we need to forgive and love ourselves? We teach humility in the Church, which is good, but I can’t think of a time I’ve heard a teaching on loving yourself and why it’s important.

When we love ourselves, we can forgive ourselves and, therefore, can move on. When we love ourselves, we stop constantly comparing ourselves to other people because we’re not envious but happy with what God has given us. When we love ourselves, we tend to love others more because the love of God is flowing through us.

Self-love isn’t prideful. It isn’t arrogant. Self-love is necessary to move forward in life and be used by God. We have to learn to love ourselves as Christ loves us so that we might see ourselves the way that He sees us, as His children. His beloved bride. His precious creation that He suffered and died for.

Dear LORD, please help me to love myself the way You love me. Help me to see myself the way You see me. Teach me to clean off the dirty mirror that distorts my reflection. Help me to forgive myself for the past mistakes I’ve made so that I can stop punishing myself. Teach me to properly love myself so that I might be able to be used by You in all that You have planned for my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

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