Seek Your Gift

1 But earnestly desire the higher gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way. ~ 1 Corinthians 12:31

God didn’t pour His Spirit on all flesh so that He could take it away again. God didn’t fill us with His Holy Spirit so that He could remove the gifts of the Spirit. No, God poured out His Spirit so that we might be filled with Him, including His power. Why? So that we wouldn’t be left alone. So that we wouldn’t be without defense or offense. So that the people of God might be able to fight back against the enemy.

The gifts of the Spirit didn’t end with the early Church. They didn’t magically disappear because they were no longer needed. They’re still here today, but we have to pray for them. We have to desire them. We have to seek them out. Paul urged us to pray for the greater gifts so that we might build each other up.

Don’t let doctrine created by man keep you from what God has in store for you. His purpose is for you to go from one degree of glory to the next. It’s not for you to be a sitting duck in this spiritual war. Pick up your spiritual gifts. Take hold of them. And seek for wisdom and understanding that you might be used mightly in the Kingdom of God.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Seek Your Gift.

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