Pray For The Plunderers

8 Because you have plundered many nations, all the remnant of the peoples shall plunder you, for the blood of man and violence to the earth, to cities and all who dwell in them. ~ Habakkuk 2:8

Why were they plundered? For The Blood Of Man. In other words, they have shed innocent blood. This word man is the Hebrew word, ʾā·ḏām, meaning human, male or female regardless of age. It is simply referring to the whole human race.

Habakkuk said that the thieves who plundered many nations will also be plundered because of all of the bloodshed and violence that they have caused upon the earth and in the cities and to all who dwell in them.

In other words, what they sowed, that shall they reap. The wicked may seem to be thriving right now. They may seem to be winning in life, but spiritually, they are dying of starvation. Spiritually, they are poor without hope.

Oftentimes, we look at the world through our temporary lenses. We see them as only what they physically have and not what they spiritually lack. They may have much on this earth, but in eternity, they won’t even have a drop of water to quench their thirst. How devastating of an eternity they will face, all because they thought they were too big to reap the evil they have sowed.

It’s very easy to say they’ll one day get their just rewards, but that’s not the desire of God. God’s desire is that all come to repentance in Christ Jesus. He doesn’t take pleasure in punishing the wicked, so why should we feel pleasure or comfort in their punishment? The only difference between us and the wicked is that we’ve accepted Christ. That’s the only difference. Otherwise, we’d be right next to them in Hell, away from God for all eternity. Without Christ, we’d reap exactly what we’ve sowed, which is evil. All have fallen astray, and not one of us is good.

Therefore, don’t rejoice in their downfall, nor take pleasure or comfort in their punishment. Instead, pray for their souls that they might repent and escape the punishment that is to come. Pray that their hearts might be softened and they turn from their evil ways. Not only would their souls be saved, but if the wicked who plunder the nations are saved, then there would be no one left plundering the nations, and our world would be a better place.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Pray For The Plunderers.

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