Look Forward To His Return

1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. ~ Luke 2:1

Jesus coming into all the world is the true and real Christmas story, yet there are those unbelieving critics who attack Christianity and the Bible by claiming that there is no proof that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus. Therefore, the Bible is in error and cannot be trusted. I mean, these people try so hard to disprove and discredit a God that they claim they do not believe in and that does not exist, yet they hate Him with a passion.

Remember, both God and His word are dependable and full of truth. I can assure you that God is not a man that He should lie. So, don’t let doubters, scoffers, or liars lead you astray; God is real, and His word is truth. Luke himself is considered a reliable historian, and his Gospel was written before the Book of Acts. Luke was also a companion and fellow worker with the great apostle Paul.

It’s generally accepted that Paul began his ministry around AD 49. So, the book of Luke would have been written close to around that time, probably in the AD 50’s. That would suggest that many people and many historians were still alive who would have witnessed the census, but there is nothing written that disproves Luke’s claims of a census or even challenges him.

If Luke was in error, he would have been called out by historians of his day. But as it is, nothing to the contrary has ever been found, and neither will there ever be. The people alive back then knew these facts to be true, so they did not dispute them. They couldn’t.

What I’m saying here is that we believe a true and real Gospel. It’s a true and accurate statement. Jesus is alive. Yes, He was dead, but now He is alive and well. He is seated at the right hand of the Father. And He’s coming back to get us real soon.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Look Forward To His Return.

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