Lead Them Into Blessings

The righteous [man] who walks in his integrity—blessed are his children after him! ~ Proverbs 20:7

Fathers pave the way for their children. Their actions and decisions affect their children. Abraham believed God and followed Him with all of His heart, and generation after generation after generation, his descendants are still being blessed because of this. God says He blesses to the 1000th generation of those who love Him. Imagine that just loving God would bring blessings upon not only your children and grandchildren but 1000 generations.

Your life isn’t your own. You not only affect the lives of those around you, especially your children, but you pave their way. What they see you do, they do. How they hear you speak, they will speak. You are the leader of your family, so don’t allow anything of this world to take away from your children and your children’s children. Love the LORD, seek Him, walk in His ways, and teach your children to do the same.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Lead Them Into Blessings.

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