Evangelize The Nations

18 And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to Himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to Him. ~ 2 Corinthians 5:18 NLT

Paul wrote this letter to the Corinthian Church explaining that we aren’t to just abandon the world after we’ve been reconciled to God. Jesus told Peter after he fell and got back up to go help his brother. King Solomon tells us that iron sharpens iron. There is never a time when God wants us to leave people where we found them. There is never a time when God wants us to not share His Word with others.

We are His hands and feet on this earth. Whether or not people hear about the Gospel of Christ is up to us. God did His part. He came down to earth and paid the price for our salvation. It’s now on us to share the Gospel. It’s on us to witness to the nations, regardless of whether it makes us uncomfortable, puts our job in jeopardy, causes us to lose friends, etc. Imagine if every day we each set out to share the Gospel with just one person and actively prayed for the person we were witnessing to.

The early Church turned the world upside down with evangelism, prayer, and supplication. They fasted, taught the Gospel, sought the face of God, and willingly took beatings and oppression for the sake of the Gospel. They faced so many obstacles, yet the Word of God flourished wherever they went. Why? Because they understood that they were the body of Christ. They were the light of the world to the nations. To live is Christ, and die is gain.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Evangelize The Nations.

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