23 Don’t continue drinking only water, but use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses. ~ 1 Timothy 5:23
Timothy had frequent illnesses, even though he was a leader in the church and was Paul’s son in the faith. Paul didn’t tell him to make sure to pray about those frequent illnesses. He didn’t tell him to fast about it. He told him to drink a little wine for it. What does that have to do with anything? So often, we pray about our illnesses and fast about them without ever doing anything to physically fix them.
The LORD has given us the necessary means to help our illnesses. Not all things need laying on of the hands. Sometimes, it is our diet that needs to change or our routine or a specific action that is the source of an issue. If we continue in the same way, even if we pray or fast, nothing will change. Therefore, sometimes, it’s not a spiritual issue; it’s a physical one that needs to be dealt with in the physical world.
Dear LORD, please open my eyes and give me discernment so that I might know the difference between physical and spiritual ailments. So that I might know when it is me (my flesh) and when it is a spirit. Please give me wisdom and understanding in all of these things so that I might help myself and, in turn, help others live a more fulfilling life. Thank You, LORD, for all of Your many blessings. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.