Flip The World

13 But when the Jews from Thessalonica found out that the word of God had been proclaimed by Paul at Berea, they came there too, agitating and upsetting the crowds. ~ Acts 17:13CSB

Paul and Silas were traveling throughout the known world, spreading the Word of God with anyone willing to listen. They even went into the Synagogues and showed the Jews the prophecies of in the Scriptures why the Messiah had to suffer. They were leading many to Christ, even the Gentiles in those areas. God was moving in the lives of those willing to listen. Because of this, the enemy had to try to stop Paul and Silas.

He stirred up people against Paul and Silas. They were thrown into prison. Those who had invited them and showed them hospitality were attacked and imprisoned. They even left the city and went to a new one, but the same angry men came to incite the people around them.

Whenever God is moving, Satan will try to move even harder. When you feel a spiritual attack coming on you, don’t be discouraged. Keep going. This only means you’re heading the right way.

Satan will try his best to stop you, but it’s up to you to stand firm and refuse to back down. For greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. No matter what evil may come your way, you have to keep fighting in order to turn the world upside down, just as Paul and Silas did.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Flip The World.

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