The Imitator

14 … For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. ~ 2 Corinthians 11:14b

In this life, we only truly have one real enemy, Satan. He lies, steals, and destroys but never creates. Satan isn’t a creator; he is a manipulator, transformer, and deceiver. See, evil can only manipulate what is already created; it can’t create something new. I think Rise of the Guardians depicts this perfectly.

The villain of the movie, Pitch, is like the Boogeyman. He hides in the shadows, instilling fear, so the moon sends guardians to bring hope to the people. Guardians such as Santa Claus, Toothfairy, Easter Bunny, and Sandman. Now, Sandman’s purpose is to give the children good dreams. But, after much trial and error, Pitch discovers a way to turn the dreams into nightmares. But he still can’t take total absolute control of Sandman’s dreams. How do we know? The eyes of the dreams Pitch stole were still gold, while the rest of the body was black. Just like in real life, there is only one creator, and the enemy is not it.

Has the enemy come after your dreams and turned them into nightmares? Has he manipulated your talents and corrupted your purpose? Has he only shown you the corrupted things? Don’t listen to his lies anymore. This Christmas, take a hold of your God-given dreams. Seek the LORD and His righteousness, and He will show you the Truth. Your True purpose, His true creation, and the true good things He has in store for you.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Look Through The Manipulation.

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