“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” ~ Psalms 23:5
As Christians, Psalms 23 is one of the first verses we memorize. We all know it by memory, but do we fully understand it? Specifically, Psalms 23:5. What exactly was David getting at? What exactly was David trying to say? I believe David was trying to combat his fear. He was saying, when I’m surrounded by my enemies, you still prepare for me a table. No matter who is against me, no matter who is watching, no matter how much the world hates me, you still prepare for me my fill. You still give me more than enough. No matter how afraid I am. No matter how many there are of them, I am still given my blessing. I am still going to reap my harvest. I am still going to receive my just rewards.
David is overcoming his fear. He said to fear even though you speak loud, I will only keep my eyes on God. He said that it is God who anoints my head with oil. Why? Because in the midst of his enemies, God has chosen him. God has separated him and called him to a purpose. His cup overflows from the blessings God has poured out for him.
Fear will surround you and tell you, you’re not enough, and you’ll never be enough. But look to God, for He has set a table in the presence of your enemies so that you may eat and be made full. So that you may be chosen and anointed. So that you may drink and never go thirsty again. Don’t allow fear to keep you held back from the table, but walk boldly towards your call.
Peace. Love. Go Forth and Sit At The Table.