Do Not Bow To It

17 So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. ~ James 4:17

I recently started watching the series The Mandalorian. The series starts out with a solo bounty hunter (a Mandalorian) going to obtain an asset. When he finds the asset, he realizes that it’s a small child. Conflicted, he still goes through with delivering the child to the man who hired him to do the job.

After he does, it messes with his mind. He tries to start on the next job, but he just can’t let it go, so he goes back for the child. He risks everything, including his honor, to retrieve the child. This leads to his previous employer and all the other bounty hunters under his previous employer to turn on him. They attacked him mercilessly in order to get the child back. Thanks to other Mandalorians who came to his rescue, he and the child escaped without being harmed.

So many of us today are tasked to do something that goes against our faith, yet so many times, we still go through with it. Why? Fear. Fear of being rejected or shunned. Fear of losing our jobs or getting docked pay. Sometimes, the fears are more serious. These fears are real and valid, but nevertheless, no fear should ever force us to go against our faith. Our faith is our connection to God. If we allow anything to break that connection, then we have willingly separated ourselves from God.

Even though the Mandalorian went against his conscience, he went back to make it right no matter the cost. The same is true for us today. Even if you give into fear, there’s always a chance of redemption. There’s always another opportunity to make things right. You just have to put your faith in God and trust that He will send you aid when you need it.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Do Not Bow To It.

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