“2 saying, ‘Where is He who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw His star when it roseand have come to worship him.’” ~ Matthew 2:2
God set forth not only a sign for the Wise Men that Jesus had come but a star that led them straight to Him. God sets before each of us our own star that leads us to Salvation. A star that leads us to our call. And a star that leads us to every step we need to take in life, yet we don’t always see our stars.
We don’t always look up to see where we’re going or where to go next. Sometimes we’re too focused on what we want and what we think that we don’t take a second to look to the Heavens to see what God wants or thinks. This Christmas, look for your star, whether it’s a star leading you back home, to your call, or to your next step in life.
No matter what it is, put your faith and trust in God, not yourself or others, for God’s will for your life is perfect. And if you follow His star, you’ll find everything you could have ever wanted or needed.
Peace. Love. Go Forth and Follow Your Star.