Look For His Prophecies

15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel. ~ Genesis 3:15

2,000 years ago, God set off His Godliness, took the form of man, and came to earth as a baby to save the world. This wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision. This was a well-planned rescue mission prophesied from the Garden of Eden. See, God created Adam in His own Image and then created woman because man could not be alone. His creation was perfect, and He would come, walk, and talk with His creation daily. Then suddenly, in an instant, His creation was completely corrupted.

So, what does God do? In the punishment of the tempter and deceiver, God prophesies the hope of all of humanity. See, the Serpent was the root of the fall of mankind, so not only was the Serpent punished, but the eventual undoing of all that he had done was prophesied. Let that sink in. The Serpent intended for the downfall of all humanity, but the LORD not only punished him but also told him how He (God) would undo his evil actions.

Let this be a reminder this Christmas season that even when the Devil tempts you successfully, God will be there to show all involved His plan of redemption. Be encouraged by this and let not your hearts be discouraged by the temptations of this world, for the LORD will also come to redeem those who love Him and whom He loves.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Look For His Prophecies.

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