1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. ~ John 1:1-5
John said that in the beginning was the Word. Who is the Word? Jesus is the Word who became flesh (John 1:14). So, the Word that became flesh was from the very beginning. But the beginning of what? The beginning of creation when time began.
Before creation, there was eternity, but nothing existed. The only existence was the existence of the Trinity who were before the eons of time. Things sprang into existence when God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. It was at this point that time actually started. Jesus existed before time, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus prayed to the Father to glorify Him in His own presence with the glory that He, Jesus, claimed He had before the world existed. From before the beginning. The teaching of the Holy Trinity is splashed throughout the Scriptures. So, Who or What makes up the Holy Trinity?
- God the Father
- God the Son, also known as Jesus Christ
- God the Holy Spirit
Why does this matter? Because it wasn’t just anybody who died on the cross for our sins. It wasn’t just anybody that took lashings on His back for our healing. It wasn’t just anybody who took our chastisement upon Himself for our peace. It was God Himself who did these things for us. Why? Because He loves us. He did it for all who would come and accept His free gift of salvation.
So, next time you feel alone, unloved, unseen, unheard, or unimportant, remember that the God of the universe. The God that created all things set off His Godliness, took the form of man, and died so that you would no longer be separated from Him. Then, on the third day, He rose again and gave us the free gift of eternal life. You are seen, heard, and loved by God.
Peace. Love. Go Forth and Know What You’re Worth To Him.