Hang On Just A Little Bit Longer

3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. ~ 2 Timothy 3:1

Perilous times are prophesied for the end time dwellers, and therefore, perilous times are coming. Jesus said that a time of great tribulation such as never was, and never will be again, is coming upon the earth, and I believe it is here now. Or at the very least, it is has begun.

The elect, which is us Christians, will also experience dreadful and trying times; otherwise, God would not have to shorten those days for the elect’s sake. Believe me, when I say those days are upon us now. Look at the world, God is hated, and His people are despised. There are those who are trying to cause chaos in the Church. And those who say that they love Jesus but are secretly servants of Satan and are throwing Christians into confusion and dividing the body of Christ. You can read about it in the news; whole denominations are splitting over matters that were settled centuries, even millenniums ago.

But the good news is, He is watching, He is waiting, and when it becomes too much for His people, He will cut those days short, and He will come and get us and deliver us out of all terrible things. He hasn’t forgotten us. He is not going to leave us to the mercy of the world and the haters of God forever. He loves us.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Hang On Just A Little Bit Longer.

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