Follow The Paved Way

18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. ~ Matthew 1:18

Notice, the angel told Joseph that the child that was conceived in her was from the Holy Spirit and not by the Holy Spirit. There was no actual sexual contact there as in Greek Mythology when the gods would come down and procreate with human women to produce children.

Jesus always was and will always be. He existed as the Word of God from eternity past, but when Mary was found to be with child, that Word became flesh or became a human being, as John’s Gospel declares.

We don’t serve a half-man, half-god. We don’t serve a demi-god. We don’t serve a man who became God. We serve the one and only true God who became flesh. Who came to earth as a baby that He might live as a man and overcome as a man so that we can then overcome through Him. Our God is unlike any other god. He is the God of gods. The King of kings. The LORD of lords. There is none like Him.

So be encouraged today. You don’t overcome on your own strength, but through the strength of Almighty God who paved the way.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Follow The Paved Way.

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