Find Your Redemption

14 Then the women said to Naomi, “Blessed be the Lord, who has not left you this day without a redeemer, and may his name be renowned in Israel!” ~ Ruth 4:14

Naomi felt hopeless. Her husband had died. Both of her sons had died. Her two daughters-in-law were foreigners. She felt alone as if God Himself had forgotten her. This is how we feel sometimes. Everything around us seems to be going wrong. We lose our job, our home, a loved one, a friend. It feels like our entire world is coming down, crashing around us, but if we hold on. If we just keep going. If we look to God for help, we will find our redemption.

When Naomi was at her lowest point, she remembered who she was and where she was from, so she returned to her home. She returned to her people. She returned to her God. And when she returned, she found her hope. She found her redemption. God hadn’t forgotten Naomi, neither has He forgotten you.

God is like the father going to the foot of the road every day, hoping that His child, who is far off, will return home. He is like a shepherd whose sheep ran off and got lost, so He goes out in search of His sheep no matter how far or how long it takes Him. He’s like the father who sees that His child has to walk through fire, so He runs to their rescue, picks them up in His arms, and shields them from the flames. Our God never forgets us. No matter where we are, no matter how alone we feel, God has a plan for our lives. All we have to do is seek Him, and we will find our hope. We will find His plan. And we will find redemption.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Find Your Redemption.

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