Stop Raging

He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision. Then He will speak to them in His wrath, and terrify them in His fury, saying, “As for me, I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill.” ~ Psalms 2:4-6

According to the Psalmist, God is not overly concerned with the raging of the nations. Matter of fact, God is not concerned at all about their raging, for He sits enthroned in the heavens, and He laughs at their feeble attempt to dethrone Him. What does this mean?

He holds them in derision, or scorn, or mockery, or disdain. They do not threaten Him nor worry Him, and neither do they make Him anxious. He is God the Almighty. In His time, He will speak to them in His wrath and terrify them in His fury. He will not let any of them escape.

Does this mean God is a malicious God seeking the punishment and destruction of His own creation? No. God is a good, loving, just God. He is love. This is why He sent Jesus. There’s no way we could ever save ourselves or make ourselves clean enough to enter His presence. So, He sent Jesus to take our sin upon Himself and take it away from us. No longer do we have to be at war with God. No longer do we have to remain His enemy. Now, we can fall down at His feet and ask for forgiveness, and He will forgive us. Why? Because His desire is that none should perish but all come to repentance.

There are only two options: Continue to rage against God and perish, or repent, follow Him, and be saved. The choice is yours.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Stop Raging.

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