Don’t Wait For Tomorrow

14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. ~ Matthew 7:14NIV

The gate to this narrow road is very small. Therefore, it makes it unappealing. Not only that, but one has to look for it. Did you see that? It said only a few find it. Therefore, you have to look for it, or you won’t find it. And many are not looking for it. Very few people, if any, can say they just happened to stumble upon the small gate.

They either have to be looking, as in the case with Lee Strobel. In his own testimony, he admitted that he was an atheist and set out to prove the Bible wrong and Jesus not who he said he was. But he had a praying wife, and so, the facts lead him to the small gate that leads to the narrow road.

You have to be looking, searching, or somebody has to be praying really hard for you. How many of your lost loved ones are you praying for? How many times do you witness? Jesus is coming back soon, but who knows if any of us alive today will be alive when He returns? Tomorrow is promised to no person. Today is the day of Salvation. Don’t wait for tomorrow to pray for a lost loved one. Don’t wait for tomorrow to witness to your neighbor, co-worker, or friend. Don’t wait for tomorrow to bow before the Throne of Grace to repent for your sins. Today is the day of Salvation, don’t wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow may never come.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Do Today.

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