18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil work and will bring me safely into His heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever! Amen. ~ 2 Timothy 4:18
Paul was beaten, kicked out of cities and nations. He was stoned and left for dead. Paul had a rough time as a Christian, yet he still stated, “The LORD will rescue me from every evil work.” Let that sink in. When we think about the LORD rescuing us, we believe it should be physically rescued from all oppression and opposition, but that wasn’t how Paul saw it. Paul saw this physical body as just a temporary place for us to dwell until we receive that new body. So, what does that mean?
Paul understood that the world, the devil, the kingdom of darkness could do anything they wanted to his physically body, but the LORD would deliver his soul out of their hands. They couldn’t taint his soul. His soul was safe. It was secure in the hands of the LORD.
Dear LORD, thank You for holding my soul in Your hands. Thank You that I can live with the confidence that You, oh LORD God, have me and no one can separate me from Your love. Thank You, LORD. Help me to never forget this. Help me to never overlook this. Teach me to believe and put Your trust always in You, LORD God. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.